As Dan and I left the Pleasance Dome in the early hours of Day 5, he pointed out the poster for the Amused Moose Comedy Awards Showcase.
“Are you on that?” he asked.
“Yes, I should be,” I replied. I remembered quite clearly doing the photoshoot, alongside a host of other comedians, so I should be on the poster – unless my awkward smile had been cropped out or a more famous comic’s head had been photoshopped onto my body.
Neither of these things had happened and there I was, on a poster. Wearing exactly the same clothes in the photo as I was wearing stood looking at the photo. And I honestly have more than one set of clothes. And have been alternating.
We don’t do shows on Sundays so I took the opportunity to see one of the acts that clashes with ours, The Gentlemen of Leisure (the old GOL). Partway into their show, I realised with increasing horror that I had left my vital umbrella in the bar, hanging off the end of a table to dry out.
I figured there were three possible futures: I would leave the show, find my umbrella where I had left it and head out into rainy Edinburgh with my trusty anti-precipitation shield (umbrella); I would leave the show, see my umbrella had gone, retrieve it from the kindly bar staff and head out into rainy Edinburgh with my trusty anti-precipitation shield (umbrella); or I would leave the show, see my umbrella had gone, find no trace of it and head out into rainy Edinburgh with no protection from the precipitation (I would get wet).
It turned out to be the first one.
I went along to Tricity Vogue’s Ukulele Cabaret in the evening to see my old schoolmate Ben playing uke (obv). He’s had a ukulele for two months and is incredibly deft with it – he can play separate strings and everything. I’ve had mine for two years and still just bash chords. Though, as Ben pointed out to me, he’d been playing guitar for 15 years first – whereas I “play” the ukulele specifically because I can’t play the guitar.
Spent the rest of the evening geeking out with Dan and Tom from the Gentlemen of Leisure (the old GOL). Surrounded by the beautiful people of Brooke’s Bar, I suspect we were the only ones setting each other quiz questions and discussing our favourite episodes of modern Doctor Who. We are pretty cool.
What I learnt today: The first mobile phone call in the UK was made by Ernie Wise. (Thanks, Tom.)
Recommended shows: The Gentlemen of Leisure Present: The Death of the Novel and Superbard and the Sexy Quantum Stories.
Obligatory plug: I’m in Three Man Roast, 2.35pm weekdays and Saturday 20th at Finnegan’s Wake on Victoria Street – free entry. Also at the Amused Moose Comedy Awards Showcase at the Pleasance Dome, 4pm on August 17th (book online).
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