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Archive for the Category "Politics"

Toys for party members Jan 02

The Liberal Democrat members’ website (follow the link from the bottom of the party website) has a new sidebar for logged in members, carrying the latest party news and headlines from the LibDem blogosphere. (This post will appear on Lib Dem Blogs and then in the sidebar itself, making everything remarkably circular.) I’ve also used the newish TheyWorkForYou API to display information about your local MP.

Please drop me a line at if you spot any bugs.

There’s also a new tool: a short piece of JavaScript you can use to get the latest party film from Google Video on your website.

<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>

Which produces this:

You can get a smaller version by adding a width parameter to the code, comme ci:

<script type=”text/javascript” src=”″></script>

Which produces this:

Hands up if you were on ITV last night Jan 01

I Was There screenshot

Yes, it’s my ITV1 debut, completing a full house of terrestrial channels. Hurrah for YouTube. And yes, I did just point my phone at the TV to get that image: that’s about as hi-tech as I get on New Year’s Eve.

The clip shown, which enjoyed pride of place between David Cameron himself and naughty Sion Simon on ITV’s I Was There: The People’s Review 2006, was very short – you can see the full version here.

What I did next Dec 14

As already reported on Duncan’s blog, I have produced some Blogger Beta sidebar widgets. If you’d like to try them out, go to the Liberal Democrats’ members only website.

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I made this Dec 13

Here’s my first bona fide official party video on YouTube – I’ve spotted a few things to do differently next time, not least finding a nicer backdrop.

Julia Goldsworthy MP is talking about the Sustainable Communities Bill, a private members bill recently published which aims to give local communities a greater say in their areas.

You can read more about the issue on Julia’s website.