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Archive for the Category "Politics"

Let MPs do their jobs Jan 30

James has written an excellent post about an absurd opinion poll and the nature of MPs’ workloads. Read it here.

Our fiends in the north Jan 24

David “Dave” Cameron has set up a “Northern Board” whose aim is apparently to revitalise the Tories in the North of England, where they did even less well than the rest of England at the general election. William Hague has been appointed chair but he may have his work cutout if this top secret map leaked from Conservative Central Office is anything to go by…
Map of England and Wales

Throwing one’s toys out of the pram Jan 24

Let’s imagine I ran a successful business and employed fifty people around the country as part of my empire. I’ve got a good turnover, making a nice profit, and helping the economy.

Then I decide that I don’t want to pay corporation tax – I decide it’s ethically wrong to take away money that I could reinvest in my company (and thereby the economy) in order to fund (let’s say) a war in a Middle Eastern country.

I say to the Government: “Either you abandon your attempts to charge me corporation tax or I shall close my company down in defiance, laying off all those staff, and then you’ll get no corporation tax from me at all. Ha!”

We can be fairly sure (assuming I’ve not given money to the Labour Party) that the reply from the Government will be along the lines of: “Tough.”

Wouldn’t it?

In entirely unrelated news, everyone’s favourite elephant has some thoughts about adoption.

Troops out Jan 24

Sir Menzies Campbell has called for British troops to be withdrawn from Iraq by October.

He was speaking on Radio 4’s Today ahead of this afternoon’s Commons debate on Iraq, which Tony Blair has been trying to avoid attending – not surprising given quite how unpopular his misadventure in Iraq is.

Ming’s piece on Today should be up on their Listen Again page shortly.

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