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Archive for the Category "Politics"

Number 10 Strikes Back Feb 21

Via James Graham I see the Government has given an excellent (if slightly hand-washing) response to a petition calling for recognition of Jedi Knights as a religious group.

The Government has no overarching role in regulating or recognising personal belief or faith. The UK has a long held commitment to freedom of worship and belief, and people are free to form religions and free to follow their own practices and beliefs provided they remain within the law.

May the Force be with you.

Julian Cummins Feb 12

I read on Jonathan Calder’s blog the sad news that Julian Cummins has died suddenly at just 52. I knew Julian from Yorkshire and the Humber regional party conferences and from the Leeds Liberal Democrats, where he was a keen activist and a former councillor. He was always friendly, encouraging and keen to get younger members of the party involved in its activities.

There are more obituaries on Liberal Democrat Voice and the regional party website.

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On the Thames Barrier Feb 01

On Tuesday, Ming Campbell and Chris Huhne visited the Thames Barrier, and I did some filming with Ming about the Government’s failure to adequately fund Britain’s flood defences.

The Thames Barrier is an impressive piece of engineering and a marvellous landmark. I have memories of visiting it when I was at school, but this time we were able to go onto one of the barrier stations, which was just as grand close up.

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Iain Dale gets a blog Jan 31

Via Ryan comes the news that Iain Dale has started blogging. This could be confusing.

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