Thank you to Lord Bonkers for drawing my name from his hat and thereby selecting me as one of the winners of a copy of the Taking Liberties DVD
. And thank you to Jonathan Calder for running the competition.
I didn’t get to see the film at the cinema, so I’m looking forward to it!
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An email from Vince Cable has popped into my inbox to tell me that former Metropolitan Police Deputy Assistant Commissioner Brian Paddick has been selected by party members in London to be the Liberal Democrat candidate for Mayor.
Congratulations to Brian on his selection.
You can sign up for news from his campaign at
Update: Here’s the BBC story and the announcement on the party website.
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…but Huw Edwards just noted that “As you know, there are many state coaches.”
“Today the Queen will be travelling in state coach Guinevere and will be wearing crown number 3, both of which were chosen at random earlier today by Mrs Ella Jones of Chiswick.”
In the future, the new legislative session will be launched by Billie Piper pressing a big red button. That’s progress for you.
I notice that the security restrictions around Parliament have been dramatically changed for the State Opening. If the Queen doesn’t have a parliamentary pass, no doubt someone can sign her in. Should they though?
- Number of Speakers of the House of Commons killed by monarchs: 1.
- Number of Speakers of the House of Commons killed by terrorists: 0.
So who’s the real threat?
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