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Archive for the Category "Microblogging"

Twitter Updates for 2008-10-13 Oct 13
  • Did I mention that I turned down the chance to film Joanna Lumley today? Too much else on 🙁 #
  • Distracted on way to office. Mirror in lift made some hairs in my beard look grey (clearly blond). Then random jar of peanut butter in hall. #
  • What’s the capital of Iceland? About £3.50… #
  • From canteen kitchen: “They’re green beans, not runner beans.” “Oh. Why are they called runner beans then?” “They’re not runner beans.” #
  • @anniemole @Chris_Reed There’s MP @joswinson too. We’ve also got quite a few parliamentary candidates like @duncanhames and @mpntod #
  • @stephenfry You’re on the Old Kent Road? #
  • @girlonetrack I could murder a French Fancy right now. #
  • Forget the banks, the government needs to take immediate action to dramatically increase IT literacy or I may actually be driven nuts. #
  • Scenes outside Parliament on TV don’t bode well for getting to the Tube… #
  • Peers voted down 42 days. Undemocracy triumphs, thankfully. #
  • It occurs to me that the Royal Bank of Scotland is now the National Westminster Bank. #
  • @PBizzle It’s good news! #
  • @wherenext Thanks for following me, which has led to me traipsing around London in the dark. #
  • @wherenext Ah, OK, cool. Have a growing list of places to look. Three tonight but may have missed in the dark. #
  • Woah, Elizabeth: The Golden Age real throws historical accuracy to the wind, doesn’t it? #
  • @jamesgraham Watched the first one yesterday. Certainly better but didn’t think it was fantastic either. #
  • @jamesgraham My word, the Tilbury speech is awful. Aiming for Henry V and missing by a mile. #
  • And now they’ve mistaken the Spanish Armada for Pirates of the Caribbean. Started dull but worthy; now it’s rubbish. #
  • I am fully expecting the King of Spain to resign. Or Elizabeth to fight a duel with him. #
  • @jamesgraham I am indeed. Thankfully it’s over now and LoveFilm can replace it with something better. #
  • @po8crg They rewrote it! #
  • @wherenext OK, have stayed up too late solving clues, thanks 🙂 Now to see how much time I’m actually going to have tomorrow to hunt… #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-10-12 Oct 12
  • First night bus full. Walking further up Charing Cross Road to increase chances of getting on next one. #
  • Four stops up, straight no an empty bus. #
  • Various idiots on the bus added 20 minutes to the journey. Home at 4am. Urgh. #
  • Have the potential to be out every night this week. Need to pick at least two things not to do then… #
  • Trying to shop for food while full from big lunch. Appetite and decisiveness FAIL. #
  • You have been sent a media message from +447904117421.View it at by typing in your ID:447624801423 and PIN:0 … #
  • Mental note: don’t text Twitter when you mean to text Twitpic. #
  • – Credit crunch comes to Sainsbury’s #
  • Playing Lego Batman on the PS2. #
  • @PBizzle Mary Poppins not putting money in the bank scene is very topical… #
  • Intrigued by the rumour that all seven surviving Doctor Who actors will be in a Children in Need special next month. #
  • @jamesgraham He was in the dreadful 1993 Children in Need special. #
  • @jamesgraham That’s the one. #
  • @vero I’ve been playing it today, but only been the goodies so far. Should really finish Indy before playing more… #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-10-11 Oct 11
  • Concerned about the govt using terrorism laws against Iceland. It may seem satisfying but it’s another example of abusing special powers. #
  • Catching up with Jodie Kidd’s Who Do You Think You Are? on the iPlayer. #
  • “We are now approaching Battersea Park.” Only if Battersea has moved a few miles east. Or this train is magic. #
  • Busy DJing at a friend’s 30th. #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-10-10 Oct 10
  • @BlogCoach Sorry, only just spotted your reply (replies now a menu option on Avatar looks like Countdown because it is 🙂 #
  • @Nico_Macdonald I’m symapthetic to that but I do like being able to choose between mobile and full sites when I’m browsing on my phone. #
  • @PBizzle Have you tried gargling with salty water? #
  • There’s a revolving dance floor in Parliament. Who knew? #
  • @HelenDuffett Not sure I can describe its location any better than “outside”. #
  • Y’know, I saw those Icesave ads and thought the interest looked good but decided I didn’t want to risk my money in Iceland. Yay me. #
  • I also don’t have any money to save. But if I did… #
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