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Archive for the Category "Microblogging"

Twitter Updates for 2008-08-27 Aug 27
  • Finishing off work before heading to @keif’s comedy night. #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-08-26 Aug 26
  • Woken by delivery of my Blogger Relief Pack from Berocca. Now charged up with several times the RDA of vitamins B and C and ready for work. #
  • Got to work to find 2000 new emails. O2 auto responder and my out-of-office reply had got themselves in a loop. EMAIL FAIL. #
  • @jamesgraham You should ask @MarsPhoenix #
  • QUIZ FAIL: misidentified Blancmange, against our better judgement. #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-08-25 Aug 25
  • Just seen my first example of a Facebook account hacked and used for spamming. #
  • Watching Christopher Trace make a cardboard Post Office Tower. #
  • Finally got my PHP-ported-into-Rails app working. Yay MVC (not the video store). #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-08-24 Aug 24
  • Brother popping in for tea at 1am on his way home = I’m still awake. And reorganising my Google Docs. Rock and roll. #
  • @ruskin147 I’m missing it. I had unfinished games and the official app (which you can’t play people in the US on) hasn’t worked once for me. #
  • Discovered some Olympic thing on BBC One. McFly murdering ABBA. Probably just turn the TV off again then… #
  • @alexfoster Finally got to Small Potatoes. That was rather good. Cringeworthily funny in the last third. #
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