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Archive for the Category "Microblogging"

Twitter Updates for 2008-08-31 Aug 31
  • Scouring the TV schedules for something to watch tonight, found Will and Greg sketch show on Channel 4 and Juliet Bravo documentary on BBC4. #
  • Been rapped on the knuckles by @miketd for my Twitter Tools use. Anyone else have a view? Let me know here or at #
  • Just completely failed to recognise a mate being a talking head on BBC Four until his name came up. D’oh. #
  • Doctor Who Lego minifigs: #
  • Will and Greg was pretty good. Would happily watch a series if they commission one. #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-08-30 Aug 30
  • Seriously considering spending today watching all of Star Wars from Phantom Menace through to Return of the Jedi. Not too productive, but… #
  • Phantom Menace it is then. And may God have mercy on our souls. #
  • @stephmog If not, I do 🙂 #
  • @jamesgraham No – I think they’d be a bit much. Might do 1-3 today and 4-6 tomorrow… #
  • On to Attack of the Clones and the marvellous Christopher Lee… #
  • @jamesgraham My best guess is Darth Sidious is Jar Jar Binks. You never see them together. #
  • @Sourdust The problem with that is having to finish with 1-3… #
  • @alexfoster Very good. Though only if by average you mean mean. Most people have the median and the mode number of feet. #
  • Revenge of the Sith. Looking forward to my favourite line: “Nooooooooooooo!” #
  • Emperor Palpatine is tempting me to get the episode of Inspector Morse that Ian McD is in on DVD. It’s also the best episode of Morse… #
  • Won’t somebody think of the younglings? #
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Twitter Updates for 2008-08-29 Aug 29
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Twitter Updates for 2008-08-28 Aug 28
  • @tomtaylor I clearly switched that off 5 minutes too soon. #
  • Enjoying listening to C-SPAN coverage of last night’s Democratic National Convention on BBC Parliament in the background at work. #
  • Wondering how best to politely explain to people that “Lorem ipsum” is placeholder text and not an attempt to provide web copy in Latin. #
  • @markpack Speaking of which, I want a giant 2p costume so I can proudly declare “I’m the change I want to see.” #
  • GDocs: “Pls note that it is a violation of intergalactic law to use this parameter under false pretences, so don’t let us catch you at it.” #
  • Three fruit juices and a salad? The other shoppers must think someone’s sent me out to do their shopping. #
  • Settling down for dinner and City of Death. #
  • Taking a break from Jerry Springer’s very depressing Who Do You Think You Are to watch the very different Pappy’s Fun Club Comedy Lab on C4. #
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