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Archive for the Category "Geeklife"

National Poetry Day 6: My lovely phone Oct 08

I almost missed the fact that today is National Poetry Daythanks to Gary Gillatt for the reminder. Long time readers will know that each year I post an “original” poem (see 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008).

Having been caught unprepared, this is what I’ve knocked up, inspired by my new mobile.


So I touch touch touch
On the screen screen screen
It’s a bugger bugger bugger
To keep clean clean clean

My old phone phone phone
Was much blockier blockier blockier
I’ve had six six six
Years of Nokia Nokia Nokia

And thus i i i
Have to grapple grapple grapple
With the style style style
Of an Apple Apple Apple

Update: Helen requested this be set to music, so here’s an approximation. Note the lower video quality of the iPhone 🙂

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Geekulele Oct 06

It’s a portmanteau neologism. And I’ve done a video about it, which largely explains itself, so here it is:

(You’ll need YouTube annotations switched on – if the various links don’t come up at the appropriate moments, use the menu on the triangle in the bottom right-hand corner to switch them on.)

The Pod Delusion 3: Gordon Brown’s speech Oct 05

A quick plug for the third episode of The Pod Delusion, the podcast what I’ve been doing stuff for.

This episode asks whether atheism is just for the middle classes, what’s available on Freeview and whether quack iPhone apps are worth the money (clue: no). My contribution is about Gordon Brown’s keynote speech to the Labour conference – mostly on the content but with a bit about the rapidity of online reaction.

You can listen on The Pod Delusion website or use the player in the sidebar on the left (people from the future: if I’ve redesigned and it’s no longer on the left, sorry). You can also subscribe via iTunes. Win.

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The Please Invite Me To Google Wave Song Oct 04

This week my satirical eye noticed lots of people on the twitter asking for Google Wave invites, so here’s a song about it – also known as “How many words can Will think of that rhyme with Wave and how many of those can he shoehorn into a song?”

I sang along a bit too much in a club last night so I’m afraid I’m a bit hoarse. I think you get the point anyway.

If you have a YouTube account, do subscribe to my YouTube channel here and, if you like it, rate, favourite and comment on the song here.