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Archive for the Category "Music"

“Whatever happened to Suede?” Nov 10

If you were the person on the Underground who asked "Whatever happened to Suede?", the answer is: they split up.

Brett Anderson subsequently teamed up with Bernard Butler and released Here Come The Tears.

Hip to the beat Nov 10

In a break with recent programming tradition, Channel 4 have done a poll on something. This time it’s the greatest live gigs. Ever. I recall there was barnstorming rendition of Greensleeves in the 16th century – shockingly that’s been omitted from this list.

Having discovered I’m terribly unfashionable as I own nothing by anyone in the top 8 biggest UK album sellers since 2000 (erroneously labelled “of the 21st century”), I’m pleased to be able to state that I was actually present for one of the top 10 greatest gigs. My age dictates that it was number 10: Radiohead at Glasonbury in 1997.

I didn’t realise who it was until it was too late Oct 11

I just enjoyed listening to an Ocean Colour Scene song (it’s called Mechanical Wonder). Damn you,

Twenty Hail Mary’s and no pudding for me tonight.

Something for the weekend Sep 30

From Popbitch:

Tom Chaplin from Keane, on the train going to his parents’ house last weekend, drinking Ribena, doing the Daily Telegraph Book of Sudoku. Rock’n roll.

And where does that elusive 9 go? Somewhere only we knooooow…

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