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Archive for the Category "Music"

Quiz time Jul 26

Here’s a quick quiz for you. Very simple: match the LibDem MP with their favourite album. Six MPs, six albums.

MP Album
Lembit Öpik
Greg Mulholland
Jo Swinson
Dan Rogerson
Jenny Willott
Mark Oaten
U2 – The Best of 1980-1990 and B Sides
Pink Floyd – Wish You Were Here
Human League – Dare
Led Zeppelin – Led Zeppelin II
Eric Clapton – From The Cradle To The Grave
Oasis – (What’s The Story) Morning Glory?

Answers in the comments please. Prize is nothing more than a flush of pride and the respect of your peers.

What was the greatest decade for pop? Jul 24

There’s only one way to find out – take part in Mike’s annual Which Decade Is Tops For Pops? extravaganza over at Troubled Diva. Year 4 begins today.

Hurrah Jul 17

Two nuggets of news. Via Nimbos, I learn that the short film The Cat Came Back is now available online. I was surprised to see that it was made as recently as 1988. This is a very clear childhood memory and I will no doubt have the song in my head for days to come.

And from the BBC comes the very good news that the “singy lady” will soon be available in the shops as BBC Worldwide will be releasing a collection of Murray Gold‘s Doctor Who music.

Not liveblogging May 20

I’m not liveblogging Eurovision – better make that clear. However, I have to mention:

  • Switzerland were first up and their multi-national soppy horror If We All Give A Little was as lyrically twee as I thought the first time I heard it. Yuck. If they wanted my vote, they obviously didn’t realise that Give A Little Bit is my least favourite Supertramp song.
  • Moldova’s seems to be a bit of a nonsense song and really doesn’t benefit from the rapping.
  • Israel’s song is utterly inoffensive, although it does do that annoying thing of featuring lyrics in the native language as well as English. Oh, and it’s dull.

Right, that’s enough of that. I can’t enjoy it properly if I’m blogging 🙂

Update: Lithuania continue to take the mick with their catchy chant – and got booed; the UK’s performance was very good; and Greece’s song turns out to be much better than I remember.

T’other update: Well, that was actually a reasonably credible array of songs. Sweden and Ukraine were better than I expected, and Romania and Armenia were also notable. I’m secretly hoping that Finland will win but it’s wide open as I watch dancers dressed as Orville in the slightly surreal interval act…

Final update: Finland it is! Helsinki next year. You can compare the final results with Mike’s predictions and also read his pretty spot-on reviews of the various tracks. The final score table will no doubt shortly be up on the Eurovision website.