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Archive for the Category "Doctor Who"

Spooky Jul 18

On March 26th, I watched the first episode of the new series of Doctor Who on a big screen in London. Shortly before it began, we saw on the news that former PM Lord Callaghan had died.

Last night, BBC3 began repeating the series. Shortly afterwards, the news was reporting the death of former PM Sir Edward Heath.

No further comment in necessary, although I’m still very much looking forward to the Christmas special.

(Shamelessly cribbed from some smart non-bloggers who pick up on this sort of thing.)

Early Day Motion Jun 22

Labour MP Harry Cohen has proposed EDM 369 on the subject of <DOCTOR.WHO>:

That this House congratulates the BBC, writer Russell T. Davies, the performers and the production staff on the outstanding series of Dr Who recently broadcast; and looks forward to the next series.

Carping about use of taxpayers money aside, I’m sure that all right-minded MPs will sign up – and if any of them are reading this, please do. It could do with an amendment though, to add:

This House also recognises the excellent use of IT in promoting the series, and commends the work of the BBC Cult web team.

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Backtracking on the Lord Mayor Jun 17

In my Boom Town review, I complained that:

Are we to assume half the politicians in Cardiff have been bumped off? And a Lord Mayor doesn’t run the council, they chair council meetings and cut ribbons. If Margaret is a directly-elected mayor, her achievement is all the greater.

While my other comments about Margaret Slitheen’s rapid promotion still hold, it is possible that she was both Lord Mayor and Leader of the Council. Until Labuor lost control of Cardiff last year, the Council Leader was the controversial Russell Goodway who for a time held both posts:

Councillor Goodway, who recently stepped down as the 95th Lord Mayor of Cardiff, was the first Lord Mayor in modern times to combine the role with that of Leader of the Council.

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In case you hadn’t heard Jun 16

It was announced at the screening of The Parting of the Ways at BAFTA last night that:

  • There will be a third series of Doctor Who
  • There’ll be another series of Doctor Who Confidential
  • There’ll be a second Christmas special
  • And… Billie Piper will be in all of series two.
