Cheer up! The Government (read: Tony Blair) may be increasingly psychotic, America may fancy nuking I-ran and Big Brother 7 may start tonight, but I have some more positive miscellanies to share – in addition to the aforementioned Sudoku thing (which is on June 7th, by the way).
• I have started learning Mandarin:
我是 Will
(nod, and apologies if I have written something inadvertently offensive)
• I have fallen for the TV advertising and switched from Morrisons trifles to Activia yoghurts – they contain Bifidus digestivum and that’s Latin so it must be good for you.
• Doctor Who is doing grandly in the viewing figures – even better than last year!
• I am now an administrator on the English Wikipedia.
Every wondered what it would be like to meet everyone’s favourite Star Trek captain, Kate Mulgrew? No?? Lee had. Find out what happened when he found himself in a bar with her: Episode One / Episode Two.
Thought the kung fu monky monk monks in Tooth and Claw reminded you of something? Perhaps it was this.
Loved New Earth but weren’t too keen on the cast? Maybe you’ll like it more this time.
From theguardian, via Outpost Gallifrey, comes the sad news that BT are dropping Tom Baker as their landline text message voice, and thus spoiling the fun of literally tens of texters.
However, the moment has been prepared for:
The service, which allowed people to send messages from their mobile phones to landlines, to be enunciated in Baker’s classic deep voice, will be changed to include both male and female voices. A BT spokesman said it wanted to give people the opportunity to have their texts delivered to landlines by a voice of their own gender.
Short of a PledgeBank-organised mass protest outside BT’s HQ – or, possibly, petitioning them with lots of text messages to their landlines contact numbers – that’s that.
Not had much time to blog over the last week, and still quite busy. Here’s a quick teaser for the Doctor Who fans in the audience. Simple question, which I expect to be answered swiftly: who is this?

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