The deadline for nominations in this year’s Liberal Democrat Blog of the Year awards is midnight tomorrow (Friday night), so you’ve got just over a day left to get your nominations in.
Don’t forget that you can make more than one nomination in any given category, but that blogs and posts from the judges (me, Ryan Cullen of LibDem Blogs, Lynne Featherstone MP and last year’s winner and Liberal Democrat Voice editor Stephen Tall) are not eligible. Shucks.
There are six categories, including the much sought after title of Liberal Democrat Blog of the Year. For the “Best posting on a Liberal Democrat blog” category, remember to nominate your favourite single post since October 2006, rather than the blog on which it appeared.
You should email your nominations to as soon as you can. Full details are on the party website, and the shortlists will be announced next week.
Last year, at a ceremony at party conference, Stephen Tall’s A Liberal Goes A Long Way was awarded the first Blog of the Year award for the best Liberal Democrat blog.
This year, the Blog of the Year award returns, flanked by five additional categories. The full line-up of the awards, run by the party in conjunction with Liberal Democrat Voice, is:
- Liberal Democrat blog of the year
- Best blog from a Liberal Democrat elected to public office
- Best new Liberal Democrat blog (started since 1st October 2006)
- Best posting on a Liberal Democrat blog (since 1st October 2006)
- Most humorous Liberal Democrat blog
- Best designed Liberal Democrat blog (as decided by readers of Liberal Democrat Voice)
Anyone can nominate an entry for any category, but the deadline is 31st August. There’s more information on the party website.
Excluded from nomination are blogs and posts from Ryan Cullen, Lynne Featherstone, Stephen Tall and me, as the four of us constitute the judging panel. We’ll draw up shortlists for each of the categories, and for all but the “Best designed Liberal Democrat blog” category, we’ll choose the winners.
You have just under two weeks to get your nominations in; shortlists will be published on September 5th.
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“Still, if the Doctor can be young and strong then so can I.”
Hello. I had a lovely holiday, and now I’m back. I decided the blog was overdue for a makeover, so I’ve given it one. I apologise for the feet but they tickle me (though please don’t tickle them).
I still have some tweaking to do (the recent comments list will return), but nothing major. Let me know if you find any bugs.
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I see from today’s news that former CBI chief and new member of Gordon Brown’s Cabinet (but not the Labour party) Digby Jones is having a spat with the Tories about who said to what to whom about the possibility of him being the Tory mayoral candidate.
Apropos of nothing, here’s an image that those of you who are Liberal Democrats might like to add to your own website’s sidebar.

And here’s the code to do it:
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="" width="160" height="180" alt="Animated image: join the Liberal Democrats" border="0" />
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