GidleyWatch. A name to strike a chill in the heart of the Member of Parliament for Romsey. I mentioned it to Mark, which has earned me an honorary membership of Fans of Paul Keetch (although I’m not quite sure how much of an honour that is).
The website in question comes from the BlogYourMP inspired stable of unofficial MP blogs, and, despite its name, is pretty appreciative of its subject. It swings between serious stuff (e.g., press cuttings and reporting of Sandra Gidley MP’s activities in the Commons) to more humorous entries. This precis is based on a handful of posts as it’s a fairly new site, so who knows how it will continue.
I wonder whether the handful of MPs who have unofficial blogs have seen them, and what they think. There’s no doubting that politicians like media attention, and there’s only one thing worse than being written about…
The rising number of bloggers increases the chance of two bloggers going on a date. It’s natural they would then blog about it, so we now have the pleasure of a romantic trip to Hell’s Kitchen, courtesy of both Richard and Emma.

Indie rock! You’re my most favourite type of music… Your music channels lots of emotion. On the top it seems simple, but underneath there’s always a deep meaning… As your name you’re independent from most of music! Stay that way! Good on you! There’s so much variation in your style…from deep and thoughtful like The Stills, to happy go lucky like Belle & Sebastian, to dancy and catchy Franz Ferdinand, and back to boogie down Hot Hot Heat and The Rapture…
What genre of rock are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
A cunning quiz this as it included a question along the lines of “What type of rock do you like?”
Nod: Rob Tiffen
Blogger has some new features so I’m going to play with them. If this blog gets oddly formatted, loses its comments, etc., that’s why.
Addendum: I have taken off the new comments system (because I don’t like it), and I’ve reverted from archiving posts as separate pages (because I don’t like it). Let me know what you think about the new template. In the longer term, I’m going to redesign my whole website and build my blog into that design, but that’s a while off yet.
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