This blog hasn’t had any comments for the last two weeks. I initially assumed this was the fault of an apathetic – or possibly vacationing – readership. Then I decided I just wasn’t writing anything interesting. But now I suspect there was a technical hitch eating comments. I’ve adjust the settings and they seem to be working again now. Apologies if you commented in the last fortnight and your message vanished.
Archive for the Category "Blogging"
Belatedly (in my case, not his), here’s Jonathan Calder’s piece about blogging from Liberal Democrat News. This blog got a mention, for which I’m very grateful. It has made me worry about the impression I give of myself though
Will Howells’ No Geek is an Island reflects his status as a Dr Who nut and soduku grandmaster as well as a sound Liberal.
The last part is a particular compliment as Jonathan is a noted sound Liberal himself.
It’s nearly six months since the switch to WordPress and a springautumn clean and tidy is due. Any preferences as to what stays and goes?
The current reading/listening images take up a fair bit of sidebar space. Should I drop those sections, make them text-only, or keep them as they are? Does anyone use the calendar to find archive posts? Should I go to two column format?
Or, should I keep all the dinky toys and add more? Add a “About me” and “Best of” pages? Maybe put some of my old media stuff online? Make the photos of me bigger?
One of my favourite blogs is The Law West of Ealing Broadway – I’m always pleased when new entries pop up in Bloglines. It’s a wonderfully informative blog written by a West London magistrate, mostly reporting on cases over which he has presided (with details changed to protect those involved). If, like me, you’ve never set foot in a courtroom, it’s a real eye-opener- plus it’s enjoyably written. Don’t take my word for it, though – head on over.
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