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And as for Sedgefield Borough Council…? Jul 09

This time last week, I noted the absence of any information about the impending parliamentary by-election on Ealing Council’s website. Since then, the council has posted a minimal news story linking to the list of candidates – although there’s still nothing on the Elections page. As I said then, the short by-election timetable that Labour have imposed puts a lot of pressure on electoral administration, which perhaps explains the lack of information online.

To Sedgefield, then, where the council had even less notice of the by-election. With a week and a half to polling day, you’d be forgiven for thinking the election for Tony Blair’s replacement as MP would be mentioned even once – but no. Time perhaps for the Government to review how long it allows for parliamentary by-elections…

Update: There really is a by-election!

One Response

  1. Speaking of the by-election in Sedgefield…..BBC’s The Politics Show aired a debate yesterday between the “Sedgefield 3” (Tory, Labour and Lib Dems).
    Someone has turned the programme into a “podcast”. Its available here:-