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The one question political compass Mar 16

As we all know, it’s not about left and right these days, but nevertheless, here, thanks to BBC scheduling, is one simple question to sort the pinkos from the Francos.

At 9pm tonight, are you more likely to watch BBC One (To Kill a Burglar: The Tony Martin Story*) or BBC Two (The Plot Against Harold Wilson)?

*not Scotland

4 Responses

  1. 1
    Richard Gadsden 

    So, what does watching Footballers’ Wives make me?

  2. Hmm, which dangerous nutter to go for…?

    We watched Wilson, which was incredible. I once did a programme about Tony Martin, and both heard more than enough to last me and got more than enough in the neck from Lib Dem nutters who thought party policy should be the death penalty for burglars ;-/

    Marcie saying she was slightly relieved that the head of MI5 might be a communist agent because at least it meant they were split more ways than all going fascist had a gallows humour about it…

  3. 3

    Richard, I think it makes you a liberal 🙂

  4. 4

    As a PVR owner I will be watching Smallville.