- @twitties 088008800880088008800880088008800880088008800880880 #
- Hmm, that @twitties vote was a rather repetitive string. I wonder if something went wrong. #
- @secretlondon Cool, I’ll try again from a PC… #
- @nimbos Congratulations! #
- All your Chrome are belong to us. #
- OK,that’s fast. #
- @twitties 049709730606021002120315018708260765007304980417208 #
- Leaving work after a mammoth load of, er, work. Tomorrow may or not be fun. #
- Well done Southern. Train delayed. Decide to get diff train. They say 1st train ready, so I don’t get other train. They cancel 1st train. #
- Getting to watch Who Do You Think You Are? live and un-time-shifted for the first time this series. #
- @qwghlm He used to be my MP. Was never that keen on him. #
- @miketd I misread that “tea and poppers”. Oops. #
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