- @plasticbagUK No spoilers for those of us not in the US, please and thank you 🙂 #
- @katebevan Not sure, but would it be odd to have protected updates but public on your blog? (Can you even do it with protected updates?) #
- A bit nervous about something I’m doing later on. If it goes well, I’ll share. If it doesn’t, let’s pretend it never happened. #
- @stephmog Thanks! #
- I am pleased to report that my first stand up set actually went OK and people laughed. Which was a relief. #
- @paulbradshaw Early to mid morning, Tuesday to Thursday. #
- @HelenDuffett WDYTYA will be an iPlayer priority, as usual. #
- Got a nagging memory of being invited somewhere on the 3rd but can’t remember where or by whom. Not a FB event… #
- Oh yes – going to see The IT Crowd recorded. Excellent! #
- @rfenwick On my screen it said "This is not for you, it’s for @rfenwick." So Web 2.0. #
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