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Twitter Updates for 2008-08-22 Aug 22
  • Last show done, and good fun it was. Damp from the rain. Train back south in the morning 🙁 #
  • Have boarded a set down only train. Waiting for “Passengers boarded this train at Haymarket. Until they own up, this train isn’t moving.” #
  • Hello again, England. How have you been? Despite not having wifi, Virgin Pendolino first class has been much preferable to NXEC so far. #
  • “Due to a fire at Bletchley, this train may not make it all the way to London.” And this journey was going so well. #
  • Concerned that National Rail WAP site says the train I’m still on is cancelled. Been sitting in Preston for 45 mins. #
  • Now on wrong train. Oops. #
  • @qwghlm Cheers. Currently at Wigan and crossing my fingers that the departure boards aren’t lying despite contradicting the Nat Rail site. #
  • Counting down the minutes until a train comes and hoping it isn’t packed. At least I’m due a refund now. #
  • Finally on a train to London. Some of the Crewe look suspiciously familiar. I suspect this may be the same train I got off in Preston. #
  • I meant crew, not Crewe. Of course Crewe looks familiar, I’ve been there. This journey is burning the stops into my mind. #
  • Back in London, only 134 minutes later than planned. And now to navigate rush hour with luggage. #
  • Wow, does Inspector Sands work at Euston too? He’s a busy man. #
  • While embarrassed to be carrying a wheelie case, I hope I’m an example of good technique. #
  • @minifig It was a perfect 6.0 until I knocked a man’s shoe off 😮 #
  • @secretlondon I do. Which is why it fails a bit as a secret code. #
  • @minifig I’d be delighted never to have to drive one again. This one is particularly huge and unwieldy. #
  • @alexfoster Did you buy anything from their shop? You can get an extra rental by spending £10 or more. (Not intended as a plug 🙂 #
  • Scrabulous has gone again then… #
  • For no obvious reason, comedian Rhys Thomas is on BBC Two wearing Peter Davison’s Doctor Who costume. Sans celery. #
  • @Sourdust Dunno – first time I’ve tried to access it this week, but judging from other statuses its recent. #

One Response

  1. […] public links >> wap Twitter Updates for 2008-08-22 Saved by boyjoe on Tue 14-10-2008 AIM For Windows Mobile Saved by CaptainFez on Tue 30-9-2008 […]