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Twitter Updates for 2008-08-21 Aug 21
  • Popped into sci-fi shop and bumped into an Edinburgh Doctor Who fan friend. It’s a small city… #
  • @iaindale I’m lunching at Pizza Hut. I bet the Ivy don’t do unlimited refills. #
  • I have singlehandedly ended four days of rain in Edinburgh. By finally buying an umbrella. #
  • Taking time out to see the Clone Wars at an Art Deco cinema in Morningside. First time my cinema seat has been a leather sofa 🙂 #
  • Clone Wars: enjoyable if fairly disposable. Managed some Lucas-like annoying characters and dialogue, but some nice refs to the other films. #
  • Munnery was good. Felt a bit more standuppy than usual. #
  • Idiots of Ants didn’t start well but ended on a very good high. Good group with some great ideas but let down by a few weak sketches. #
  • Mark Watson was terrific. Wish I’d seen him before. #

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