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Twitter Updates for 2008-08-20 Aug 20
  • Bailing on the first show I was going to go to today as it’s in the middle of nowhere. #
  • @qwghlm BBC: “Ask our physics scientist.” You know, I’m sure there’s a special word for one of those. #
  • Edinburgh sleb spotting: my one-time Tube carriage co-habitant, Simon Hoggart. #
  • Quick catch-up with @andyreeves and off to see Stewart Lee. #
  • Stewart Lee standing room only. Well, not only. Some people have chairs. I don’t. But I do have a ledge to lean on and a good view. #
  • @minifig No spoilers please 🙂 #
  • I can’t help being suspicious of all Edinburgh shows called “… : The Musical”. #
  • In the right place at the right time to catch the Castle fireworks. Now off for a pint. #
  • Just been explaining to random friendly girl on the street who Jake Thackray was. #
  • @BBC_HaveYourSay No. Shan’t. #

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