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Lynne campaigns to save Doctor Who location Nov 06

Doctor Who viewers may remember London landmark Alexandra Palace from such episodes as The One In The 1950s With The Angry Dad And Maureen Lipman, also known as The Idiot’s Lantern, a David Tennant/Billie Piper episode from earlier this year. The show may have been filmed in Wales, but, through the magic of modern technology, Alexandra Palace plays a central role.

The first public television broadcasts were made from Ally Pally seventy years ago so the studios there, which were used for decades subsequently, have great historical importance. Unfortunately, as the building prepares to change hands, although there is provision for a museum, there are no specific protections for these studios.

Local LibDem MP Lynne Featherstone is campaigning to protect these historic studios. She recommends that anyone interested in saving the studios lobby the Charity Commissioners who are consulting on the proposed lease. See Lynne’s blog for details.

2 Responses

  1. 1
    Richard Huzzey 

    The Evil Lib Dem Doctor Who World Conspiracy ™ continues apace… 😉

    Good of Mr. Pack to throw people off the scent with those ficticious DVD purchase figures at Lib Dem Voice, pretending the top 5 purchases weren’t Doctor Who.

  2. 2

    Well after what Firoz Kassam did to Oxford United I wouldn’t hold out much hope of a benevolent landlord.