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Archive for 2004

Blowing my own trumpet Aug 04

From the most recent edition of the Mornington Crescent Handbook (reproduced with permission):

Section T. Playing Online

3.1a Howells Bold Convention – highlighting the station being played with the Bold/Strong tags, eg. Tottenham Hale.
3.1b Howells Starred Convention – highlighting the station being played with asterisk, eg. *Harlesden*.
3.1c Howells Capitals Convention – highlighting the station being played by typing it in capitals, eg. EAST ACTON.
3.2 The Howells Convention to be played on bulletin boards or forums should be mentioned as early as possible, or should be assumed from the first move.
3.3 Moves that are not highlighted in the Howells Convention can be deemed illegal, although players discretion is advised.

So what was the question? Aug 02

According to The Guardian, an edition of Trivial Pursuit in Australia is in breach of a court order relating to the Falconio murder trial.

The question mentions forensic evidence in the case against Bradley John Murdoch, who is accused of killing the British backpacker in the outback in July 2001.

A spokeswoman for the director of public prosecutions said: “It is dangerous to use questions on a matter before the courts in games such as this.” Officials would seek to contact the game’s distributors to ensure that it is not sold in the Northern Territory.

Tales from the crypt Aug 02

A friend relays an evil anecdote.

He was on a “ghost walk” around Edinburgh and the tour group were led down to a particularly dark underground room. The guide gave a spiel about the local ghost being misogynistic and split the group into men and women who stood apart from each other in the room.

The lights went out and the room was pitch black.

My friend, finding a tissue in his pocket, scrunched it up. In the darkness, he threw it across the room in the direction of the women. A scream. A hysterical woman insisting that something had touched her in the dark. And the ghost story lives on…

The fan’s dilemma Aug 02

While Nick links to some location photos on the DWAS website, Outpost Gallifrey has some shots of the Doctor in his new so-eccentric-it’s-cool costume (from TopLord? Bob Holmes Stores? Louis Marks & Spencer) here and here.

I’m trying to keep myself spoiler-free for the new series, but I’ve already heard some really juicy stuff. It’s a difficult balance: I want to watch it fresh in January 2005, but dammit I want information now.